Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Promo Echotone

Originally uploaded by LeeMo's Photo's.
The weekend saw another rehearsal for my band echotone. This week we decided to try and shoot some promo shots for the papers and the website, since we hadn't done any since Mel and Paul had officially joined. So as I haven't got a tripod, James brough his along (video camera tripod) but accidentally left the converter to my camera at home. Sooo, we had to balance the camera on some bags which were perched on the end of a caravan in the middle of a caravan park.

We found an old barn door made of metal, and was rusting to bits. We set the camera to 10 second delay, and took over 60 pics, out of them all this was the best.
I think next time I will purchase my own tripod and do it properly, but considering, I think this came out quite well. Check out the sites in the links to the right.
